Monday, July 12, 2010

The First One

For the past few months I have felt convicted to do more, be more, reach more people, share more of the gospel, encourage more, serve more, affect more, MORE MORE MORE. I have really felt led to start a blog. The purpose of this blog is to hopefully start doing some "more" I know I need to do. I have always said my most noble calling as a woman is as a wife and mother, but something I'm learning is that all of us have a noble calling to be and make disciples for Jesus Christ. Through this blog, I will focus on sharing our Father's love by posting various topics: devotional type of stories and scripture, but there may be some days where I share mom-friendly tips and ideas. In the process, I will pray dilligently for anyone who finds my blog and pray that it will affect lives and do on a kingdome level something I could never do. May God have his Sovereign hand in this new adventure.

Remember that to live for Christ is our most noble calling. It's a priceless gift that is placed on your life by God. That is the most humbling thing that I cannot fathom. Why our Heavenly Father would choose to have grace and mercy on any of us is beyond me. But he does, and while I fall far short every single day, the thing to remember is IT DOESN'T MATTER. God isn't caught off guard that we fall short. He knew we would and always will. That's why he sent Jesus in our place. Jesus already paid it all. Let Him do what He was purposed to do: be your righteousness. Just open your heart to him in obedience and find a fulfillment in your life that you never dreamed possible.

Daily Verse: I Corinthians 1:30-31

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord."

With a heart of purpose,

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Way to go girl. This will be so fun. It is so great getting the word out. GOD is so good. It is fun to see all the ways to spread his word. ENJOY.
