Thursday, August 26, 2010

Broad is the path to destruction

This week as I've watched some of the big topics in the news, I am more and more in tune with the fact that America is travelling the very broad path that is not God-centered but worldy. It is the path that Jesus speaks distinctly about in Matthew 7:13 and 14
13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at:
14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, few there be that find it.

Another way to say the verse is that "easy is the way" to destruction, and "difficult is the way" that leads to life. In plain terms when people say making the decision to follow Christ is the easiest one to make, that just isn't really the case. Jesus tells us plainly here it is hard. If it were easy, more people would do it. Isn't that so cliche? With everything in life I feel like I'm told, "if it were easy everyone would do it." But honestly, it's true. Our Savior tells us, few there be that will sherk the ways of this fallen world and follow the true and living God.
These verses were on my heart not only because of some of the big news stories going on right now but also because of a very saddening interview I saw with Alanis Morisette this week. She was asked about her interest and love for religion. The question was, "What religion do you follow? Is it Hinduism, Buddhism?" And Alanis said, "I pull from all of them. They all carry the same central theme." The questioner said, "What central theme is that?" And she said "innate goodness." Seth and I looked at eachother with complete SADNESS in our eyes. That couldn't be more of a horrible fallacy. It is the biggest lie Satan could tell any of us. It is the true and utter OPPOSITE of what the God of the Universe, the Holy God says about us:
Romans 3:9-12
9What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

This is definitely sad to know, but the truth hurts...and the good news is we have a God to deliver us. But he won't do it by us weaving together our own truths and our own realities. I'm so sick and tired of hearing people talk about their own truth and what their spiritual reality is. This life is not about developing our own religion. That is in essence just worshiping ourselves. And if we aren't worshiping the living God, the Bible is also clear that we are of our father the devil. Many probably gasp at that name, but he is as real as God, and many there be that follow him.
So, pray for Alanis Morisette...she is deceived by Satan into thinking she is inately good..that is so deceptive. She is tricked into believing a lie that removes her need of a Savior. And as for the rest of America, a country that used to be so Patriotic, but now I feel we are possibly the most unpatriatic nation I know of, BROAD BROAD BROAD is this path to destruction...and we are taking the easy way toward it. The devil is tricking so many of us: whether it is telling us that sin issues are in fact civil rights, or whether it is trying to turn this Christian nation into one that does not follow the God of the Universe, or whether it is telling us that we are born with an inate goodness, BEWARE. We have one authority under Heaven and that is the Holy Bible, the living word of God. Stand for it, and it's infallable words. Satan will send deceivers to tell you that you are following a dead book. BUT YOU HAVE A NOBLE CALLING to accept that God gives us ALL THAT WE NEED to enter in the straight and narrow way to life through Jesus Christ. It is accepting His Son as your Savior who's bloodshed covers your every sin, past present and future; because you WILL sin. We are born geared that way. For all the good in the world that we want to do, we are sinners in need of a Savior. And if you are confused about what stance to take on any of the issues in the news, turn your ear to the word of God. The answers will be there. Stand for them. I tell everyone, if God was in favor of XYZ in the Bible, then I'd be 100% in. But I cannot change the ordinances of that book. Don't be worried about sounding mean or unloving. People will get offended because the gospel is offensive. Some of you were probably offended when I just quoted the verse in Romans that flat out told you that you are not good. Jesus steps on our toes to show us that we need Him. Then when God can look on us and see Jesus' blood flowing through us, we are good because He is good. "Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8

This is an original Praise and Worship song that I wrote in 2010

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