I realize that I haven’t blogged whatsoever in the year 2012. However, I’ve been compelled to start each month, and each month I decline. This week, however, after another full circle moment on my life journey in health and contentment, I have been 100% convicted to begin a “Health Matters” component to my spiritual encouragement-aimed blog. I usually use my blog simply to bare my heart and be transparent with other women who are in the trenches of this world with me. I use it to remind them of simple life principles that I glean from reading God’s word or to simply share a frugal recipe. However, I’ve felt for a while now, as I’ve been a distributor of health and wellness products from my home now for over 5 years, that it is time to begin sharing some of the amazing golden health nuggets that I’ve learned from some of the most prominent doctors in the world. Some of the doctors I have trained under are not your typical MDs. These doctors are world renown is cell culture, understanding the majesty of God’s creation in the complex immune system: micro-biologists, immunologist. PhDs, Chemists, ETC who are not about writing the script, diagnosing and treating, but rather PREVENTION and longevity of life. In the end, our health matters. Therefore, I’ve decided I will begin a regular segment on health matters. (I like that play on words:)) I want to keep it short and interesting. It’s not a sales pitch. It’s just another way of looking at our bodies and our health that is not the way your typical dr. would have you to. PS: My brother is an MD, and I respect him as much as any doctor. He told me that when he was in medical school, the section on this type of medicine (neutroceutical) if you want to call it that: cellular health, vitamins etc….was “glazed over.” So, I don’t think it’s so much the doctors’ faults in this world for their philosophy of medicine. I just believe like with everything we get indoctrinated, and most of our medical docs are indoctrinated from their first lesson in medical school. I hope this blog will provoke thought and concern as you are your own best advocate. Today’s health matter will be on a top 10 list of facts about the human body as compiled by Dr. Tim Wood, and John Cuomo, et al.
10. The human body is made of 100 trillion cells
9. Every second our cells calculate billions of chemical reactions
8. Every day our bodies manufacture our body weight of ATP (wiki describes ATP as produced by almost all living things in their cell's organelles called mitochondria. It stands for adenosine triphosphate and it is the major 'currency' of energy in the body
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_ATP#ixzz1v2o1VDBS
7. Every day your heart beats 100,000 times pumping 2000 gallons of blood. That’s enough to power a Ford truck for 20 miles.
6. Daily, each cell repairs a million DNA lesions
5. Every month you COMPLETELY regenerate your entire layer of skin!
4. Every 3 months you completely rebuild your blood supply
3. Every 10 years we completely remodel every bone in our body
2. Children turn over their entire skeleton every year. Teens get 50 % of their adult bone mass at thirteen.
AND #1: Your brain contains 1 billion neurons!
These ten facts should cause your brain to go crazy wondering "what is supporting me through all of this?" That's the million dollar question, and I hope on this journey of realizing that our health matters I can shed light on the little things to help with these processes. God Bless, Andrea Gayle
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