Proverbs 12:4 "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones."
Shew, that is a gut shot isn't it? We have the ability to adorn our husband as a crown, yet in the same sense, we can be rotting his bones. Wow, whoa, and what does that mean? There are many verses in the Bible dedicated specifically to women. We should take it as a personal challenge to find them and know them, and put them into practice ASAP. This verse stuck out to me today because when I think of proverbs talking about women, in my mind I jump right to 31...but this is Proverbs 12. And this particular verse is plopped right down in the middle of 27 other verses speaking generically. However, if you want to look at the entire chapter you can take it personally, wives. Take it VERY VERY PERSONALLY. The first verse talks about correction. "If you love correction, you love knowledge. If you hate correction you are stupid." It's very blunt. I take that personally. When we buck the constructive criticism of friends or our husbands or even the outright conviction of the Lord, we are STUPID. He said it, not me. To be tender to the correction of God's hand as he speaks to us through his Holy Word and our husbands and the Holy Spirit is to love wisdom and knowledge. To honor God with our lips like we are called to in such a high standard in verses 6, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 and 25 -- To do the opposite, God detests. He DETESTS! How are you speaking to other people? How are you speaking to your kids and your husband? How are you speaking ABOUT your kids and your husband to your friends? How are you speaking of your other friends? Are you "offering a kind word to lift up?" v.25 Or do you "blurt out your annoyances at once?" v 16. These verses are a great starting point to changing into a wife of noble character. Other verses in this chapter emphasize our need to be dilligent at work, not lazy, verses 10, 11, 24, 27. I picture myself at home...ask yourself, are you busy at home? Are you helping your husband? It's the one job you were DESIGNED FOR. It's written on your DNA to help him. When you don't, he suffers and you suffer. Are you rotting his bones? Ouch! This is tough stuff. Are your kids secure? Are their needs met? Or are you off doing your thing putting you first not serving your family? Can you recognize the little areas where you can be Prudent, Trustworthy, Righteous, Truthful, Honest, Wise, Fruitful, Good? This is God's will for you in Proverbs 12.
Read Proverbs 12. Pour over the Lord's wisdom for us. Cling to the promises that he will bless you for desiring His goodness -- His discipline which leads to knowledge and righteousness. And if you still love folly and the things that are not in line with God's commands...ask Him to help you mourn your sin and move in a direction toward sanctification. The fact of the matter is that we are not good. Romans says "None is righteous." So, how are we these things then that Proverbs 12 wants us to be? How can we be like a crown VS. the alternative - decay? It starts with a dramatic heart surgery. Forsaking yourself and all the "fun" of this world and laying it down at the feet of Jesus at the cross. Then, He does an amazing reconstructive surgery on you. You have a soul that is no longer dead but alive for all eternity, and you will also have the ability to no longer be a slave to your sin but to righteousness. The "fun" things will appear what they really are, foolishness and a death sentence. You can stop being "quippy" at your husband. You can begin to respect him like you are called to. To help him like you are called to. To honor him when you are in public in such a way that your character sets you apart and is like crowning jewels. Because of your behavior, your husband's name will be praised. It is a noble NOBLE calling to be a wife. And to be a wife that the Lord wants you to be is one who is reverent and calm. Peaceful and quiet. Not boisturous. Not gossipy. For Heaven's sake, NOT GOSSIPY. Kind, serving, putting your husband and children before yourself. Are you doing all these things? Or are you rotting the bones? Isn't that a horrible way of thinking about it? But it's God's way. His standards are HIGH. It is not something to be coasting through. Do not be luke warm. Take your calling as a wife seriously. Take it personally. Stop wearing your annoyances on your sleeve. Stop being lazy at home. Stop being mouthy when you are in public or responding to your family. "For without a single word from you, you can win the heart of your husband for Christ." I Peter 3:1
I wrote this blog today for me. If no one in the world reads it but me, I am weaping as I look at what is on this page b/c I have so far to go as a wife and a woman after God's own heart. I want to be these things. This challenge I have put on myself. If you read and are blessed and challenged PRAISE THE LORD that his word is so sufficient to convict and to save. But if no one else sees this, I see, and God knows I see, and I am grateful that he cares enough to put this calling out on me. This noble calling. Praise His Holy Name!
Here are the sweet ones I've been called to serve!
With a heart of purpose,
Andrea Gayle
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