Well I definitely haven't blogged much this year, but other things have taken priority - many things that have just seemed to happen out of nowhere with life, at home and with my business. Many people would attribute the unexpected (whether pleasant or not so much) to happenstance or luck. "Oh you are so lucky!" or "This must be my lucky day!" Or, "I'm on such a streak of bad luck!" Ya know, as a Christian why would we EVER throw those phrases around lightly? When the word of God is more than CLEAR that there is NO SUCH THING, NO SUCH THING, NO SUCH THING as luck, we Christians thank our lucky stars way more than we even realize...and by way more, I mean we NEVER SHOULD.
I'm reading a book called "Family Driven Faith" by Reverand, Dr. Voddie Bauchum, and he makes a funny allusion to a cooking show where he saw the chef say a prayer before pulling cookies out of the over "Please God, don't let 'em burn" and when they came out ok, she said "We can all use a little good karma every once in a while." WHAT AN OXYMORON! First she prays and then thanks Buddha. I know I'm totally guilty of these things. I am here to show you why it is completely unbiblical to believe in luck or chalk ANYTHING up to it/karma/horoscope/what-ev!
In God's word, The Holy Bible he is referred to as "Sovereign" 297 times. The definition of Sovereign is Supreme Authority, All Knowing, All Seeing, All Present. Supreme Authority. So in that of itself luck has no place. Nothing will thwart the Sovereign Lord, not luck, not karma, not your "sign".
Another indication from scripture that the Almighty Hand of God is in control is all of the references to weather. Many people get mad at the weather b/c it doesn't "cooperate". Someone very dear to me even claims that the weather just does what it wants and that God set it into motion years ago and even things like Hurricane Katrina are just general providence. I can say very confidently that "general providence" doesn't exist because a Supreme Being, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit has complete and total authority (as mentioned in scripture) so the weather does not just blow around as a breeze. The hand of God has orchestrated each raindrop and snowflake:
Psalm 135:7He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.
Jeremiah 10:13When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.
Matthew 8:27The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”
I cannot grasp the loss of hope I would experience if I thought events in my life were happenstance. It's a matter of grave importance. It effects where your hope is found. If you think some things just happen by chance b/c of the laws of gravity and the laws of motion and the laws of physics, then you in turn believe our God is under the parameters of said laws, and that just is not so. If he wanted the ocean to float in mid air it would...oh wait, IT DID: Exodus 14:21Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land.
The Bible talks so often about things like the weather that we encounter every single day, and each time he is in control of it. Therefore, even on a gloomy rainy day, God intended that for His glory somehow. On a rainy day when there should've been fireworks, WHO KNOWS the small fledgling garden that God poured mercy on and blessed through it all in His divine will.
Proverbs 19:21Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.
That verse alone is all I need to lay my head on my pillow tonight in peace. The peace that passes all understanding is real. It is spirit-given. The Holy Spirit is able to rest on your this moment if you put your trust in him that although you can plan even for evil, God can use it to get glory and accomplish his will. An example is the way Joseph's brothers treated him in Genesis 37. Through all of their sin, God was working a tremendous amazing work in Joseph's life. Some people do not want to trust or believe the Bible's words about God's ultimate control because they don't think it's fair. Well, a fair God would send every single sinner to hell. A fair God would not pour grace and mercy on our lost souls and save us to be with him for eternity. God is not indebted to us, NO QUITE THE CONTRARY. So every moment we even breathe is a precious gift of grace. I am so humbled tonight because I know that I'm such a loser so often and God uses my sin and failure to do something great for his glory: Romans 8:28. He is SO GOOD. And the fact that he chooses to save any of us is beyond comprehension. The fact that he cares to know the number of hairs on your head Matthew 10:30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. For a God to care of the number of hairs on your head, that's a God of intricate details...a God who does care about the small stuff, enough to even have omnipotence in it. The hairs of your head...what a bizarre detail to know. I figure it is because he has such an intense desire for you to know how deeply he loves you. I could care less how many hairs are on my own head much less another person's. Our God loves us that much! God LOVES you. And he has treasures of love and peace to rain down on you if you just trust and obey him. Believe him at his word when he says he is sovereign. Thank God he is....I don't want to live in a world where "fate" has a say or for crying out loud, luck!
My challenge: Even if you do not believe in luck, make it a point to not even refer to it as if it has a place in your life. Do not rob our God of the glory for what he is doing, and definitely don't forget to acknowledge him and his control in your sufferings. He is over every last little thorn in your side. From giant financial struggles, to major division between loved ones, to a stubbed toe. God is in it all and working it for His glory and your good. Even your disgusting sin, God can do something good with that. I was reminded from a long time friend on facebook today after I spewed annoyance at our judicial system in this whole Casey Anthony verdict. God is over this. And Romans 12:19Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
While our finite minds can't comprehend how anything good is working in this case, our God's perfect ways will not be contained. He is in control. Amen to that!